Arash Ghorbani is an experienced Optical and Opto-Mechanical Engineer with a master’s degree in physics, specializing in optics. With over 35 years of experience, Arash has worked in various fields, including bio-medical instruments, lithography, cinematography, automotive, and micro optics. He has held roles in both engineering and consulting, contributing to the design and development of advanced optical systems.

Few Recent Projects



• Drift Tube with True Hermetic Seal, (Patent# 12,040,168)

• Automated System for testing two-dimensional Detector arrays (Patent# 6407864 B1)

• Vacuum Cell for Optical Components (Patent# 20070297466 A1)

• Smart Case for Mobile Photography (Patent# 9596393 B2)

• Projection Zoom Lens and Camera (Patent# 9835835 B1)

• Optical Assembly for a Compact wide field of view digital camera with high MTF (Patent# 995910 B1)

• Optical Assembly for a Compact wide field of view digital camera with low first lens diameter to image

diagonal ratio (Patent# 10139595 B1)

• Monolithic Optical Isolator for High Power Lasers (Patent disclosure submitted)

• High Power Attenuator with variable reflectivity mirrors (Patent disclosure submitted)